Blue Listed Brooklyn
In its newly published annual best-of-the-world guide, international travel expert Lonely Planet has named Brooklyn as a top tourist destination.
Brooklyn? Honestly?
Yep, to the astonishment of many native New Yorkers, Lonely Planet's "Blue List: The Best in Travel 2007" says, "Brooklyn's booming. Any New Yorker worth their street cred knows the new downtown lies just across the East River."
The book, a collection of travel tips submitted by Lonely Planet's readers and staff members, includes a two-page spread on this borough and states that "a cultural movement has emerged" in what they call "the USA's biggest city-within-a-city."
Brooklyn? Seriously?
Yes, along with Hawaii and New Orleans, Brooklyn has been singled out as a favorite U.S. destination. While we've gotten accustomed to occasionally glimpsing double-decker sightseeing coaches on some of the streets closest to Manhattan, many (OK, most) New Yorkers still have trouble believing that Brooklyn is a hotspot for tourists.
In fact, the inclusion of Brooklyn in latest edition of the best-selling guidebook has made headlines here. The Blue List's recommendations include the Brooklyn Bridge, Prospect Park, Coney Island and the Mermaid Parade, the Brooklyn Museum and the Jacques Torres Chocolate Factory, all located in what Lonely Plant is calling "the hippest part of New York City."
Brooklyn? Really?
Yeah, really. So please pardon us while we take a moment to kvell.
Lonely Plant Blue List 2007
Lonely Planet Blue List 2007
NY Daily News: Brooklyn's the REAL vacation hot spot
My Fox NY: Brooklyn Top Tourist Spot
NY1: Brooklyn Makes Lonely Planet List
Borough President Marty Markowitz Hails Lonely Planet
Lonely Planet
Well, congratulations Brooklyn. I sort of buzzed though on a mini "Apple" tour. I liked what I saw and hope to someday return to do it Lonely Planet correct.
That's great, and congrats to Brooklyn! My daughter lives in Astoria, and she always tells me how Brooklyn is the new trendy destination. Amazing.
Thanks for stopping by East Lansing Daily Photo, and I hope you'll keep visiting. I like your blog too. Isn't it amazing how warm it was the other day?
superbe, souvent on oublie brooklyn dans les guides français (à part coney island) et cela est regrettable. j'adore me ballader dans brooklyn, avec une preference pour le quartier russe (bonjour le depayssement)
superb, often one forgets Brooklyn in the French guides (with share coney island) and that is regrettable. I adore to trott myself in Brooklyn, with a preference for the Russian district (hello expatriation)
I used to work in downtown Brooklyn and loved the promenade at Brooklyn Heights. When the weather is cool, I would walk there during my lunch break.
That is pretty cool....
I do not know Brooklyn at all...
My husband was working with aBrooklyn atone time... He buil a huge model of NY and Brroklyn...
The reason for the model?
A Public Park...
That wasgoing to rival Central Park...
The model was to be unveiled with Patakki giving over a huge pay cheque for the bulding of this park September 12,2001. But 'fate' interceded and I think the model has been lost...
But... That being said, my husband became this great 'lover' of Brooklyn as he was building the city ona miniature scale.
Great to know about it !! Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan
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