Saturday, December 30, 2006

With Liberty and Burgers for All

Tonight, a minor commotion occurred outside the Burger King on 14th Street. A statuesque woman emerged from the restaurant and was immediately surrounded by people screaming, shouting and begging for autographs.

Leaning against the front window, New York Liberty Guard Loree Moore graciously signed napkins, menus and scraps of paper and posed for photos with her fans.

A star athlete eating burgers? Aren't they restricted to diets of filtered water, vitamins, protein powders and tofu? Moore laughed, shook her head, and said that she eats what she likes and she prefers burgers.

Hmmm. A scandal-free professional basketball player and role model who loves burgers? Sounds like an endorsement deal just waiting to happen. Burger King, are you listening?

Loree Moore  Posted by Picasa

The star with fans  Posted by Picasa

New York Liberty
Loree Moore
Burger King


At 1/02/2007 02:07:00 PM, Blogger photowannabe said...

Great title and lovely story of a "real" celebrity. I wish there were more like her.

At 1/02/2007 10:45:00 PM, Blogger Annie said...

I suppose if you move a lot that a burger is an okay thing to eat.

At 1/09/2007 08:22:00 AM, Blogger Judy said...

cool pics of the city!


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