Friday, February 25, 2005

Christo's Gates

The last day The Gates were exhibited was a chilly Sunday. I braved the cold to see them and realized that there is no way a photograph can convey their effect, casting a golden glow over the wintery landscape, reflected on the icy paths and in the chilly water of Central Park Lake. The cloth furled and unfurled in the wind, throwing shades of orange across the snowy fields and transforming the frozen park into a beautiful, magical space.

No cars allowed  Posted by Picasa

Gates reflected on the pathway  Posted by Picasa

A parade of gates Posted by Picasa

Proudly guarding the Gates Posted by Picasa

From inside the Time Warner Center (inspired by a photo taken by the biblioholic) Posted by Picasa

  • Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Gates

  • The Gates: An Experiment in Collective Memory
  • Wednesday, February 23, 2005

    Blog tools

    Hoping to increase comments, I've signed up for these free blog tools and services. A friend suggested them as a way to increase traffic & comments in this blog. We'll see.

    Varb Enrolled August, 2006
    Vote For Me!

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    Sunday, February 13, 2005

    Happy Year of the Cock

    Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade and Festival
    • 1:00 PM-5:00 PM; Mott St. to Worth St.

  • Explore Chinatown

  • Celebration of the Chinese New Year